I had my two besties help me take Birthday photos to celebrate my last year in my 30's!

I need reminding on occasion that there is a pretty awesome version of myself that existed before kids, and she still exists, she's just somewhat displaced due to other priorities. I live deeply rooted in motherhood, and I am happy and grateful to be here, but I also like to make an effort to invest in those other parts of myself. Sources that exist solely for my happiness and peace.
I've reached a stage in parenting where stepping away for a bit doesn't feel so stressful or cumbersome. I'm enjoying the freedom that has come with this stage. I've finally granted myself permission to focus on myself for pockets of time. But, in retrospect, I know I could have had this freedom all along, had I just asked for it, had I not let my mom guilt consume me. So now I ask. I ask for help, I ask for breaks, I ask to do things just for me.
I've found that when I take a moment for myself when I do my hair and my makeup, I put on clothes that feel good for my body. I feel my feminine energy ignite—revived by the prospect of reuniting with a carefree version of myself that somehow still exists, that patiently floats around in the ether, waiting for me to call on her.

So I take the photos and book the mom's night out because each time I do, I bridge the gap between who I was and who I am now since becoming a mom. And it feels good, oh so good!
How do you make time to connect to yourself? Please share your tips so I can continue on this awesome journey of rediscovering who I am!

And if you're seriously lacking in being in photos, and taking them alone feels too daunting! Here are some tips to get in more photos with your kiddos! https://www.vanveitcreative.com/post/7-tips-to-get-in-more-family-photos We can slowly build to individual portraits! ;)
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Hype girl: @dididelly
Photo credits: @natderouchie
Edited by me @vanveitcreative